use have used used had used
moniter modem printer shower
Did , use Are , used Do , use Have , used
When your computer is on, only RAM is used to store information When your computer is on, only disk drives are used to store information When your computer is oft, only RAM is used to store information When your computer is off, only disk drives are used to store information
$5000. $4500. $7500. $2500.
She sold a computer. She bought a computer. She borrowed a computer
$5000. $4500. $7500. $2500.
When your computer is on, only RAM is used to store information. When your computer is on, only disk drives are used to store information. When your computer is off, only RAM is used to store information. When your computer is off, only disk drives are used to store information.
is sold is selling sold was sold
is; used was; used did; use are; used
is used to playing is used to play used to play is used for playing
has used has been used had used had been used
is used are used has been used have been used
use have used used had used
sold to sell have sold selling
Computer network Computer device Computer processor Computer storage
used to was used to uses to is used to
Is, sold Does, sell Are, sold Do, sell
Computer network Computer device Computer processor Computer storage