it is possible that some scientists working in the Arctic also work in the Antarctic the South Pole’s coldest temperature is still very hot compared with the cold made in a cryostat a cryostat can be used to change a very low temperature into a pleasant summer day the Arctic is covered by an unbroken sheet of ice several miles in thickness
So is it So it is It so is Is it so
thought, hasn’t worked had thought, didn’t work thought, hadn’t worked have thought, hasn’t worked
very much cold much cold much too cold too much cold
very much cold much cold much too cold too much cold
terrible wonderful nice cold
very cold and colder colder and colder more cold and cold coldest and coldest
terrible wonderful nice cold
cold something something cold nothing cold cold anything
colder, coldest cold, cold cold, colder colder, cold
very cold even colder much cold more colder