where I’m going how I’m going why I’m planning when I’m planning
I am I’m just going to I would I’m just going
surely actually certainly absolutely
I am I'm going I'm just going to I will go
I haven’t I’m going I’m going to I have
I am I’m going I’m just going to I will go
I'm going to see my grandma this Sunday I'm going there with Tom I have to study for a test I have no time this Sunday
I am I’m just going to I’m about I’m just going
I am I’m going I’m just going to I will go
I’m I am I’m just going I’m just going to
opportunity luck coincidence danger
the, the the, - -, the D.-,-
coincidence convenience consequence contemporary
I'm not sure I hope so I don't think so I agree with you
I am I’m just going to I’m I’m just going
Yes, I won' t be going home until Friday. No. I have a class until one o' clock, and after that I' m going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home. Yes. But I am afraid I have to stay for a few hours in the city library before going home. Yes. If I were you, I wouldn' t go home directly.