regular special particular Unusual
孤儿的主观意愿 孤儿亲属的意愿 有利于孤儿成长的原则 低成本安置原则 现实条件
took a plane began well rode a train was put off
孤儿生父或生母的原单位 对孤儿有抚养义务的人 孤儿住所地的居委会或村委会 孤儿住所地的民政部门
Though he is an orphan An orphan as he was Orphan although he was Orphan as he was
现实条件 孤儿亲属的意愿 孤儿的主观意愿 有利于孤儿成长的原则
when the Industrial Revolution started when goods began to be produced in great quantities because trains replaced men in carrying goods around as attention was shifted from distribution to production
统筹考虑儿童福利机构和流浪未成年人救助保护机构建设 因地制宜解决孤儿住房问题 依法保护孤儿的人身、财产权利 建立健全孤儿福利服务工作网络
“孤儿”保单保全服务要求保险公司成立专门的部门 “孤儿”保单保全员薪金制同公司内部员工 “孤儿”保单收展服务属于专职人员服务 上级或招募人员服务“孤儿”保单方便处理纠纷
孤儿的主观意愿 孤儿亲属的意愿 有利于孤儿成长的原则 低成本安置原则