the age of 41.7. the age of 45.8. the age of 78.8. the age of 87.5.
at 37.1 years. at 40 years. at 39.2 years. at 52 years.
"future years". "average years". "past years". "school years".
their parents were at the same age. their parents were at the age of 30. their children will be at the same age. their children will be at the age of 30.
their parents were at the same age. their parents were at the age of 30. their children will be at the same age. their children will be at the age of 30.
on their forties in their forties at fortieth on fortieth
at 37.1 years. at 40 years. at 39.2 years. at 52 years.
their parents were at the same age. their parents were at the age of 30. their children will be at the same age. their children will be at the age of 30.
the age of 41.7. the age of 45.8. the age of 78.8. the age of 87.5.
the age of 41.7. the age of 45.8. the age of 78.8. the age of 87.5.
at 37.1 years. at 40 years. at 39.2 years. at 52 years.
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
"future years. " "average years. " "past years. " "school years. "