中央集权制建立 儒家学说成为统治思想 宗法式家族制度的形成 世卿世禄制确立
As you like By all means As a result Believe it or not
吞噬细胞在特异性免疫中的功能为吞噬、处理、呈递抗原决定簇给T细胞 当抗原刺激机体产生细胞免疫反应时,淋巴因子的作用是使靶细胞裂解 抗原是外来生物,所以抗体不可能对人体自身成分起免疫反应 摘除胸腺会破坏细胞免疫,对体液免疫没有影响
which what that which that what
to; by by; to for; to in; on
各国经济依赖性加强 各国面对同样的经济规则 各国共享市场和各种资源 发达国家开采发展中国家的资源
as soon as as much as as many as as long as
would should have to might
successful life is a life ____ challenges are met and difficulties overcomE. A. which where what that