by a car in a car on car by car
arranged a car arranged a car for you made a car arrangement arranged for a car
by car, bled death by a car , bled to death by car, bled to death by a car, bled to die
my car mine car that in my car’s that in my car
in car on car by a car in a car
who’s car of which the car the car of which whose car
that car was was that car is that car that car is
to steal the car stolen the car steals the car stealing the car
driving a car when you drive a car drive a car when driving a car
the car stopped the car was stopped the driver stopped the car the car was stopping
on the car; by car on foot; in his car by foot; by car in his car; by his foot
arranged a car arranged a car for you made a car arrangement arranged for a car
arranged a car arranged a car for you made a car arrangement arranged for a car
to make a car for making a car making a car a car to make
in his own car with his own car by his own car on car
parked their car successfully found a car park tried to park their car didn't park their car
Some young people get involved into the trend due to peer pressure. Those who dont receive hugs feel left out. Theres the danger that hugging slide into the more ominous territory of sexual harassment. Diseases could be transmitted more easily through the extra-long body contact.