slide block tilting box pintle reaction ring
2variable variable2 whatavariable $another
Always null Local variable Common variable System variable
set point control point deviation offset
Director Pointer Array Record
VMD Domain Named variable Named Variable List
foo foo$temp foo’this is a temped variable’ foothis is a temped variable
controlled variable manipulated variable set point control point
Director Record Array Pointer
Director Pointer Array Record
variable injection timing variable inlet tonnage vertical incoming tonnage vertical inlet tank
Always null Local variable common variable system variable
Director Pointersystem Array Record
which governs the state of a variable which provides a visual and audible alarm which indicates values of controlled variables which measures the state of the controlled variable
实际水位为被控量 给定水位为被控量 阀门开度为被控量 浮子为被控量
A variable pitch propeller A variable pitch nut A fixed pitch parallel A fixed pitch screw
测量被控制量 将被控制量测量所得的“反馈量”与“给定值”进行比较得到“偏差” 将被控制量测量所得的“反馈量”与“给定值”进行比较得到“误差” 根据“偏差”对被控制量进行调节 根据“误差”对被控制量进行调节
a variable displacement axial piston pump a constant displacement axial piston pump a reciprocating piston pump a centrifugal pump
dead band control point deviation offset