Bo-Bo 2(Bo-Bo) Bo-Bo-Bo Co一oC
在H3BO3分子中各原子最外层全部满足8电子稳定结构 H3BO3分子的稳定性与氢键有关 lmol H3BO3的晶体中有3mol极性共价键 lmol H3BO3的晶体中有3mol氢键
No doubt that There is no doubt that There are no doubt that There isn’t doubt that
Bo—Bo 2(Bo—Bo) Bo—Bo—Bo Co—Co
It is no doubt There is no doubt It is not doubt There is not doubt
there is little doubt there is some doubt it is no doubt it is some doubt
there is little doubt there is some doubt it is no doubt it is some doubt
set Txt Bo focus set Txt Bo focus=true Txt Bo Set Focus Txt Bo Set Focus=true
Co—Co 2(Bo—Bo) Bo—Bo Bo—Bo—Bo
Bo—Bo Bo—Bo—Bo 2(Bo—Bo) Co—Co
M与Bo平行。 M与Bo方向相反。 M与Bo垂直。 Mxy为零。 Mz达到反向最大值。
在H3BO3分子中各原子最外层全部满足8电子稳定结构 H3BO3分子的稳定性与氢键有关 1mol H3BO3的晶体中有3mol极性共价键 1mol H3BO3的晶体中有3mol氢键
AO为冷锋,BO为暖锋 AO为暖锋,BO为冷锋 AO、BO都是暖锋 AO、BO都是冷锋
M与Bo平行。 M与Bo方向相反。 M与Bo垂直。 Mxy为零。 Mz达到反向最大值。
AO先被拉断 BO先被拉断 AO、BO同时被拉断 条件不足,无法判断