carrier consignee shipper consignor
injury of a person loss of and /or damage to cargo cargo missing loss of and /or damage to ship"
liberty liability possibility reasonability "
the loss of lives the damage to the Ro-Ro passenger vessel the pollution at sea the damage to the oil tanker
insured insurance underwriter consignor
Owners are to be responsible for loss or damage even such loss or damage is not caused bythe improper stowage Owners are only responsible for the loss or damage or delay caused by improper ornegligent stowage Both A and B are right Both A and B are wrong"
create a stress concentration with the location assume initial damage to the primary barrier lead to loss of the side shell and water will enter the hold lead to the growth of fatigue cracks
carrier consignee shipper consignor
earthquake grounding lightning fire or explosions
paid for pays for should pay for had paid for